Sunday 8 September 2013


Motion Economy Charts are used to provide suggestions regarding reduction of fatigue and unnecessary movement by the worker, which can lead to reduction of work related trauma. A motion economy charts provides score to various categories of requirements in a workplace so that areas of prime concern can be focused upon.

A example of Motion Economy Chart is shown below.:-

                                                                                                                                                The score of 1 means that it is the area of our prime concern and major unnecessary motion takes place due to this cause. So, now we get the prime waste motions occuring in our production procedure and we can easily work on to eliminate those.

Scores are based upon time wasted in that particular category .

For Example:

The worker takes 180 seconds in finding the right fixture for his job, so we will provide it a score of 1 and plot it on the representation.

Then we can reduce the motion by conducting KAIZEN's .

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