Sunday 8 September 2013



Takt Time is the time available for producing one unit so as to meet the customer demand exactly on time. 
For Example:- If a customer demands 5000 pieces of a certain product "x" every day. Then the takt time for product "x" can be calculated by dividing the required customer quantity by the planned production time for that day.

It should be kept in mind that Takt Time is calculated by taking into consideration the net available time for production excluding the planned breaks and changeover time.

The wholesome use of Takt Time calculation is to match the production with customer demand. It facilitates organizations to manage their production planning schedules to be up to date with their customer's requirements. Takt Time is also the standared for production line balancing. The bottlenecks are balanced so as to be under the Takt Time so that production is not delayed.

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